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How to Understand 50% of the Quran Vocabulary (Paperback)
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Book 1
Do you want to read and understand the Noble Quran in Arabic? even without knowing Arabic at all? This is exactly the book you have been looking for.
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Is Arabic not your first language? Do you find it difficult? or don’t know Arabic at all? but still want to read and understand the Quran in Arabic?
Well, with this book, that is possible in shaa Allah.
Yes, you can understand the Quran in Arabic without being proficient in Arabic or knowing complicated grammar rules. In fact, just by learning ONLY 72 words, you will be able to understand 50% of the entire Quran in Arabic. This book will help you learn and understand the most frequently used vocabulary in the Quran, which can help you understand the original text of the Quran without learning Arabic from A to Z.
Why is it important to understand the Quran in Arabic?
The Noble Quran is ONLY and EXCURSIVELY in Arabic. And in order to get the direct and original message of the Quran, then you must read it in Arabic. As Muslims, we know that translating the Quran, is not the Quran, and therefore, it has to be in Arabic.
What does this book contain?
This book lists the most frequently used vocabulary in the Quran. It contains 7 chapters, each chapter categorizes the words that share the same category, grammatical functions, or they are related in meaning. However, this book isn’t just a set of word lists, it also contains many valuable tips and explanations that will help you understand each word and understand its functions and uses to its maximum in shaa Allah. The book, also contains examples for each given word, so that you learn the words in context. The translation of the meaning of the verses, and the tips that are included in the book have all been reviewed by a certified shaikha as well as a professional Arabic grammarian. So you will be sure that the information provided is in shaa Allah revised and correct.
This book (PART I) will help you get from 0% knowledge of the Arabic language to around 50% by the end of this small book.
Are there other books?
Yes, there are two more books that will soon be available in shaa Allah.
PART II: Understand 65% of the Quran. ((NOW AVAILABLE!!))
PART III: Understand 85% of the Quran.
PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot afford to buy the book, you can always choose to download the free E-Book.
Weight | 225 g |
Dimensions | 21 × 14.8 cm |
Form | Paperback, E-Book |
Price | Paid for, FREE |
Abu Ubaidah (verified owner) –
Ma Sha Allah. Alhamdulillah. subahan Allah. jazakallahu khoiran (may Allah reward you with goodness) for this wonderful amazing book. Most importantly it is very very very helpful for distributing it absolutely free of cost, for the sake of Allah. This book provides easy and beautiful methods to help learn the word of Allah for those who are non-Arabs. Eagerly waiting for the upcoming books. Please keep on striving for the sake of Allah. May Allah accept all your humble efforts and increase multiple times the reward of such good deeds. And May Allah grant you the highest place in jannah. As this is the only thing that can compensate for the astonishing hard work.
Tasheen Uzzaman Khan –
Wonderful and amazing book. Highly recommended for those who want to learn the Quran in the best way possible, in this current generation, using all the technologies and stuff. May Allah reward you for giving it for free. Verily he has said in HIS glorious book:-
Those – their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow [in Paradise], wherein they will abide eternally, and excellent is the reward of the [righteous] workers.
So do not worry about the rewards of such amazing efforts behind publishing such materials for free. My dua will always be for you guys. and if Allah gives me the ability to contribute here whether by giving ideas, technical expertise help or funding and advertising, I will surely try my best. If my Lord, Allah gives me the permission to do so.
Abu Ubaidah –
Ma Sha Allah
Tajrian (verified owner) –
Alhamdullilah. Even if the product wasn’t free as an E-book, this would probably still be worth 5 stars along with the very helpful videos, pdfs and Memrise that all mean Arabic 101 has produced a fantastic way to learn Quranic Arabic.
Jazakallahu khairan for such beneficial work.
Adam –
الحمد لله
Adam –
Good job
Nuriat –
Mansha-Allah thanks for the good job, for sure this book is worth than five stars,is a nice book that can help us to memorize the Holly Qur’an so Frist.
Tarannum zehra –
Amazing effort
May Allah give the best jazz.
Uwaisul qarni Mahmoud –
The website is fully Islamic and help people to learn the Quran in easy way
Uwaisul qarni Mahmoud –
Free shipping
Good job.
How to download for free please